Monday, 18 November 2013

School Holiday

   Well of course you know it is............SCHOOL HOLIDAY!!! But, I miss my friend at school well not all cause some of them I can talk to them using social net working. This school holiday I planned to exercise more and get fit and well something like that. 

Well as you know when a lot of people go to theme park, water park or somewhere that they could visit or have at. But, for me I don't know where to go this holiday so I spend some times at home and sometimes I have birthday party invitation but, I have planned to go somewhere. So that's my story for today then...... well I know it's short but still......

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Life have many difficulties.

Well sometimes you get stressed with something or someone right but, we really want to have an easy life right. But we can't change our life like to poor to rich or just something like that. Well we can change our life like to a failure to a success.

 What I really mean with life is full of difficulties is like challenge example exam,people always bully you,people always make fun of your name, but you get the idea of it. There are some way to face this kind of sort of thing right...... so if you know how can please comment on below about how to face difficulties....

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Fake friend!!!

Of course we all hate fake friends, and we know that they want to friends with us not because friends but, money or just something like that. We all can detect fake friends right... well this is a way to detect a fake friends....

  1. he/she really just acting the whole time when they met you
  2. they always want something from you and then take it without saying anything 
  3. they just don't listen to what you are saying sometimes... well not sometimes..
  4. they always make face's when meet you
  5. they sometimes always cut your sentences when you are talking
so, that's the WAY for me to detect friends, I dunno how you guys detect fake friends.. but BEWARE OF FAKE FRIENDS........ MUAHAHAHHAHAAH  

that's the only WAY for me to detect a fake friends